ForFlexx – our method to join plastic and metal

ForFlexx™ makes the impossible possible. ForFlexx™ is Forsstrom’s own, unique and patented welding method, which makes it possible to join flexible coated PVC- and PU fabrics with metal attachments using high frequency (HF) welding. Additionally, it is possible to join two coated metal surfaces. The method is so innovative that Forsstrom receives support from Eurostars.

When the impossible becomes possible.

Save time and money

With ForFlexx™, you save time and money in the production of many different end products. This includes tarpaulins, tents, structures, sunshades, advertising signs, inflatable products, liquid tanks, cinema screens, water beds and oil booms.

ForFlexx™ is the technology of the future – available today. Previously, it was difficult and time consuming to integrate a metal with PVC or PU to create a load bearing structure. Thanks to our innovative development work, we found a solution to coat metal with PVC and PU. This innovation makes it possible to integrate the metal part to the PVC or PU using high frequency.

Air, gas, and waterproof joints

With ForFlexx™, the joints become airtight, gas tight and waterproof. The welds are strong and the products become solid and durable. The method is also approved according to the European standard for accelerated aging, BS EN 12280-1.

A Eurostars project

Technical expertise in the EU has recognized the importance of our innovation. In fierce competition with other companies, Forsstrom has become a Eurostars project and is supported by the EU for its innovative product development. This means that we can continue to develop the technology. Together with Formfinder Software GmbH in Austria, a development project is being carried out with the aim of developing corner plates for lightweight structures based on the ForFlexx™ technology.

This is a photo of the gold medal and diploma that Forsstrom won for ForFlexx.

Gold medal for ForFlexx™

The EU has realized ForFlexx™’s opportunities for companies around Europe. Already in 2017, ForFlexx™ was awarded a gold medal and a diploma at an international fair. ForFlexx™ offers unprecedented opportunities. The welding technique is equally suitable in the automotive industry and in the construction industry. It secures airtight membranes in mines and waterproof joints in rubber boats and oil sinks.